Be Resilient!!
The holiday season should be a time of peace and happiness but it can also be a time of stress and frustration in a tough economy. As we look back on 2012, our attitude becomes that much more important. So I ran across this article on the five traits of resilient people from Katya’s Non-Profit Marketing Blog. As Katya says, “Since that quality is needed by so many of us now, I thought I’d pass on the insights from Jessie Sholl. What occurred to me as I was reading this list is that you probably have every one of these qualities. Working for a good cause is a daily exercise in resilience. Please share that quality with those who need it now.”
1. Be Positive. “Resilient people are characterized by an ability to experience both negative and positive emotions even in difficult or painful situation. They mourn losses and endure frustrations, but they also find redeeming potential or value in most challenges.” If you work for a good cause, you have this quality. You find hope amid terrible tragedies in the course of advancing a mission.
2. Live to Learn. When resilient people encounter pain, they look for solutions. That would be you.
3. Open Your Heart. Counting your blessings and committing acts of kindness and service boost resilience. That’s your day job!
4. Take Care of Yourself. Good physical and mental health boosts resilience.
5. Hang on to Humor. This is so true. A laugh goes a long way. Do you bring levity to the job?
For more info check out Katya’s Non-Profit Blog at:
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!