The Worst Thing You Can Hear On New Year's Eve
Submitted by mdolanorla on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 20:11
Especially on New Year's Eve, the most dreaded question you can ever be asked is, "Sir, have you been drinking tonight?"
My question to you is, have you got a plan to keep it safe tonight?
New year's Eve is a time to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new---a time to be with friends and family and that's a good thing. But unfortunately, as a dear friend once told me, New Year's Eve is amateur night. It's a night filled with people who may never overindulge except on very special occasions and these folks may not know their limits. So the so-called pros stay home because they know that one extra drink is all it takes and that no police officer cuts a break on New Year's Eve.
Tonight know your limits and know your options and know that your car does not know the way home!!
And if you or your friend goes a bit overboard tonight, keep this number handy:
(855) 2-TOW-2-GO
(855) 286-9246
AAA and Budweiser will tow you home free
On behalf of the Pledge4Patriots staff and board of directors, have a safe and happy New Year!
And don't forget, if you act before midnight, you can receive a tax receipt for 2012.